
Friday, February 21, 2014

10 Comb Over Pictures So Horrendous They're Funny

While the comb over has now become a part of history not too long ago it was seen as a genuine style, in many cases the only style for the masses of balding men.Yes we can look back and laugh at some of the horrendous comb overs on display in the 60s, 70s, 80s, and into the 90s but at the time mankind had not discovered the comb-over of the 21st century namely the head shave.

Nowadays we do not try aimlessly to cover the bald top with hair, we shave it all off and say "I'm not bald I just like the shaved style", yeah right.God bless Patrick Stewart or Captain Jean-Luc Picard as you may know him who many point to as the man who put the final nail in the coffin of the comb over and made the full shave cool.

So lets look at some of the more unfortunate comb overs we were able to find

Our 10  Comb Over Stars

Let's start with a classic wavy comb over.

Now we are getting into classic comb over territory, was this guy the dad on ALF ?

Even the great Bobby Charlton could not make the comb over look good.

This is just wrong ! Who wants the last size of Pizza ?

I have no idea what's going on here.

Wow, Just wow.

Most go for the side to side comb over but like the last guy he heard back to front was in this season.

If you think the comb over could be the style for you we use the king of the comb over to show you how it's done.

You can even get creative with your comb over.

And we finish with the man that dared to say "No ! I would rather have no hair than a comb over".


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Credits :,,, .


  1. Please omit the "Wow. Just wow" header. Sorry to be harsh, but it's just plain stupid. Some moron one day was the first one to post "Wow just wow" in a comments section, and it caught on like wildfire, all the cattle jumping on the bandwagon. Don't be like them. "Wow just wow" is all that a 2.5 year old would be able to say, but an adult should be able to say more. Much more.

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